About Us

“MSCU is a non-profit-making, non-political, non-denominational organization under the umbrella of FOCUS (Fellowship of Christian Unions) officially started and registered on 26thapril 1979, MSCU:

  • Acknowledges the sovereignty of God in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgment.
  • Is committed to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of a person
  • Is guided by the calling to live holy and righteous lives based on the holy Bible and following the example of Jesus Christ
  • Appreciates cultural and ethnic diversities

Our aims are four, as adapted from focus are:

  1. Evangelism-to witness the Lord Jesus as God incarnate and to seek to lead others to a personal relationship with him
  2. Discipleship-to deepen and strengthen the spiritual lives of its members by study of the bible, prayer and fellowship
  3. Missions-to sensitize members into mission work in its very area of mission according to their calling, gifting and training
  4. Leadership-to enable the holistic growth of the union members in their gifting, calling and develop them into leaders of impact and positive influence
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