West pokot mission 2016

West Pokot is located in the Rift Valley province in Kenya. It is accessed by the Kitale-Lodwar highway branching some kilometres ahead of Kamatira town as you travel from Kitale. Sook division is approximately 65km off the highway. We intent to go back to the four stations that are accessible by murram roads and all weather roads that are usually in good conditions during the dry season from November to January. These stations are:

  1. Tamugh, about 40 km from the highway, 5km to Chepnyal
  2. Chepnyal (Main station) about 45km from the highway
  3. Kotit, about 4km from Chepnyal
  4. Ptoyo, about 5km from Chepnyal, 65km from the highway
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