Contribution Updates

The Medical School Christian Union in partnership with Moi University College of Health Sciences Christian Union has previously organized numerous annual missions in various parts of this country. The essence of the mission, however, has a financial requirement beyond the ability of the two unions which are non-profit making students’ organizations and depend on contributions by undergraduate students and well-wishers.

We acknowledge that you seek to make positive contributions to the society in direct ways through value added services, spreading the gospel of peace and love and financial support for community based projects such as this. In line with your commitment in giving back to the society, we desire to partner with you in this national endeavour. Your contribution too will, in addition, be an opportunity to contribute to the current reconciliation of our nation and spreading the gospel.

We shall appreciate support either in cash, cheques or in kind, to the extent that God may lead you to contribute. We humbly look forward to your kind consideration. The union’s bank account is KCB Capital Hill Branch no. 1112631062- Medical School Evangelism a/c, and our M-Pesa account of the MSCU phone line 0722240247

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