MSCU has an awesome library. We have very many books covering various topics and aspects of the Christian life. We have both hard and soft copy books. We have a collection of various authors and our library is extremely up to date. Members are free to borrow any book to read for two weeks, after which they can return the book to the library or they can extend the period so that they can finish reading the book. We have amazing testimonies of how the books in our library have transformed people.

The Literature and Media department is involved in running of the MSCU Library. This includes maintenance of the books, record keeping of borrowing and returning of books, acquisation of new books and displaying of books during services among other functions.

Other media-related roles include organizing movie sessions, running the CU's media accounts including websites and publishing of the MSCU magazine dubbed 'THE FLAMING SWORD'.

Occasionally we invite publishers and boosellers to display books and other literature for sale at the CU. We look forward to more of your interaction with the Literature and Media department. Both online and Offline. Be blessed!



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