by Lucy Mwai, MLST IV

Day after day, night after night

Longingly he lay, to his only hope

To beg for mercy, to beg for a coin

At the beautiful gate, he waited expectant.

He held his head high, as the apostles came by

And with a sigh, he asked for money

Silver and gold they lacked, but a solution of a lifetime

In jubilation he danced, his salvation had come

From lameness to greatness.


Are beaten up by life?  Destroyed?

Are you despised?  Oppressed?

Are you homeless?  Hopeless?

Is your body crying, just as your mind?

There is Jesus, the precious name of Jesus

We’re hard pressed every side, but not crushed;

Persecuted, but not abandoned;

Struck down, but not destroyed.

By the death of Jesus, we draw hope from our scars

From lameness to greatness.



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