August 30th 2014  BY ANTO KIRAGU@UON

Hello Mum this morning,

I do hope that you are well, and also that

Everyone’s ok back in the countryside.  

I’m also doing more than fine here in this big city,

And have decided to make some few confessions today,

Believe me, I’m doing it all to your benefit.


Mum, you can remember the time I allegedly joined campus;

I was hurt to see you sell our only cow,

So that you could pay my first semester’s fees.

Mum, as you know, I don’t fare so well in class,

And being the witty person I am, I had to think fast.

To tell you the truth, my mind was thinking of something different.


If you can remember, I opted to carry the fees in cash with me,

So that I could pay it in Nairobi, with the simple excuse that

I din’ have the account number; mind you they had even attached that.

 Mum, I had decided not to go to the varsity as we had agreed,

But had thought it wise to invest the money somewhere;

To may be start a business in the city centre Mum.


I was afraid to share my thoughts with you Mum,

I knew you for sure would not agree with my decision,

But would go ahead and tell Dad of my ‘stupid’ plan,

And I would be reduced to a shamba boy with no future.

That was why I took the risk to secretly proceed with my plan,

But I knew such a time would come when I would tell you everything.


Mum, you always told me that we go to school so that we get money,

And last year, my grandfather also emphasized on the issue.

Knowing the state of my classroom performance, I chose another route,

I knew an alternative to get money without going to class.

The end justifies the means, you always told me.


The school fees was the starting capital for my young business,

The mattress is what I spread on the floor of my small room-cum-office,

The new shoes are what I put on when going to ask for tenders,

The laptop I asked you for allegedly for classroom purposes,

Is what I use to connect with my clients around the globe.

As you can see, nothing you gave me has gone to waste.


My business is flourishing, and my client base increasing,

Though the business also has its ups and downs.

Last Christmas I din’ come home because of what I told you,

Were internship programs offered to campus students,

Well, the truth is that the dollar had shot up at alarming rates,

And it really had adverse effects on my then very young business.

I believe you heard this from the finance minister.


Mum, I have laid before me a four-year strategic plan,

Exactly the same time I was to spend in campus.

The plan’s so amazing and after four years believe me,

Your son will be a multi-millionaire if not a billionaire.

I will have more money than you ever thought I could have.

And one more thing about my decision: no tarmacking!


Mum, I know how you’ve always waited for my degree in BSc Nursing

Don’t worry; I had given enough consideration to that too.

Here in the city, there’s an amazing place called Riverroad Kila Kitu.

Here, they offer anything you can ever think of.

Being the billionaire I will be after four years Mum,

I will comfortably go to Riverroad and tell them what my Mum wants,

And voila! I’ll be a graduate having a BSc in Nursing

I’m thinking of even going ahead and getting a Masters there and then;

And your son will be in the Guinness Book: A Masters in a record four years total!


Mum, I knew you have always looked forward to this big moment,

When you would invite the whole village to my graduation in the city,

Well, I had tried to think about that too but it was a bit unfortunate.

There was no way I could fake that; Riverroad don’t offer such facility.

But as you know, I am your smart boy. I have a replacement for it!


At Riverroad, they sell graduation gowns plus all associated accessories,

Gowns with university logos of your choice Mum.

We’ll throw a big bash at our home, and christen it a graduation celebration party,

When I will then come dressed in my awesome graduation gown.

We’ll then take numerous photos with those who will ask for that,

Your know how the folks there like associating with the successful people.


After all this, I will then return to the big city without delay so that

I can continue managing my businesses, now with a clean conscience.

Don’t worry at all about any of the expenses associated with the above,

I told you I will be a billionaire by then, do you remember?


And so as to compensate for the time you were in the dark,

So as to thank you for what you have consistently done for four years:

Financing my business by sending me the capital (read fees);

I will buy a brand new Land Cruiser for both you and Dad,

And bring down your mud house for a state-of-the-art mansion.


Mum, I believe I have given you precious information there.

Anyway, there’s no way you could have known had I not confessed it,

So, Mum, I expect that you will be very grateful to me for this.

And one more thing Mum before I put down the pen,

They have raised the next semester’s fees by six thousand,

It’s the effect of the dollar as I had mentioned to you,

So make sure you adjust what you plan to send, as it means the world to me.



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