READING: Col 2: 5-7

God’s word often comes to us in the context of our lives, for we are called to live our lives faithfully for God as believers in our generation in the reality of our environment. Admittedly, the environment in which we live and the issues defining what we must contend with and stand for as believers vary from generation to generation and from one location to another. Martin Luther said (I paraphrase) that if we preach the gospel without addressing the most pressing issues of our day, then we are abdicating our role and not faithfully presenting the gospel to our generation.

It is with this background that we are to situate our theme verse for the semester. Paul wrote to the church in Corinth to address certain issues of concern to the church there and which by extension are relevant to us too. The Church at Colossae, which was a city in Asia Minor, was found in part of what is modern-day TURKEY. This church was composed largely of gentile believers and was a young church having been founded by Epaphras, one of Paul’s converts at Ephesus, who had had taken the gospel back to his home city of Colossae (1:7; 4:12-13; Philemon 23). Paul himself had not visited this church.


At the time writing of this epistle, Epaphras had paid a Visit to Paul in Rome. Paul was in prison at this time he informed him about the state of the church back home. Much of the report was encouraging (1:4-8; 2:5) but there was one major issue confronting the Church: false teachings had been introduced to the congregation. The church had been infiltrated by false doctrines and syncretism-combining elements of paganism and secular philosophy with Christian doctrine.


Paul therefore wrote this letter to achieve two objectives: one to confront these false teachings and affirm the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ. He also used this opportunity to instruct these young believers on how to live practically as Christian within a secular and pagan context.

First forward to us in campus today.What are the issues that face us as Christian students in campus at this time? What is going on in the environment in which we live in-our university, our campus?

To mention just a few, we are faced with: cases of exam cheating, signing of class attendances on behalf of others, drug and substance abuse, as well as students cohabiting with one another in the halls of residence. Moreover, we are faced with violent student politics fuelled by corruption, hooliganism as well as political and ethnic divisions. How should we conduct ourselves as God’s people in the light of these issues? What does God’s word say to us in this situation and how do we respond?

But even closer to us here is the question of what is going on in the CU-amongst ourselves the people of God? We are dealing with increasing levels of superficiality and nominalism in the lives of believers. We see this in the decline of our commitment to spiritual disciplines. The number of people turning up for morning devotions, prayer meetings, door to door evangelism and annual missions are declining. We are seeing challenges in the area of relational purity as well. God is certainly concerned about these issues and has addressed them in his word.

So the question is: What is God’s word for us in the light of what is happening around us but also what is happening within us:both as a fellowship and as individual believers.

Just like He spoke through the Apostle to the brethren at Colossae, I believe He is going to be speaking to us on these issues and many others as explore the theme ‘rooted and built up in Christ” both today and the other topics to be covered throughout the semester.

My prayer is that that we will tune in and hear what the Spirit is saying to us as we go through the semester. For the issues we face certaily call for deep people-people who know who they are and what they stand for.

My role for today is to start us off in this journey by layjng the foundation on which other speakers will build. We will therefore focus only on the two verses of Col. 2:6-7


Col. 2:6-7 occupies a central role in the book of Colossians and bible scholars believe it is the fulcrum of this letter. It summarizes what Christian life demands-doctrine and behaviour-that is how what we believe affects how we should behave.

From this verses we observe three things:

  1. THE NECESSITY OF RECEIVING CHRIST AS LORD OF OUR LIVES (Vs 6).  Paul begins by affirming the faith of these believers-a faith they had come to by receiving as Christ as Lord. As alluded to earlier, the Colossians heard the gospel from Epaphras who had had taken the gospel back to his home city of Colossae and believed in Jesus Christ (1:7; 4:12-13).

So he begins by reminding them of their commitment to Christ and it is on this foundation that he is going to give them further instructions.

As was then, so it is it is now: The beginning point /foundation of Christian living is receiving Christ as Lord and Saviour. But what does it mean to receive Christ as Lord: It means:

  • To individually accept the person of Christ into your life as he comes to dwell in you by his Spirit (Rev. 3:20).
  • To accept the authority of Christ over your life-ceding the control of your life to him and allowing him to be in the throne of your life instead of self.( remember the 4 spiritual laws booklet/)

Receiving christ is the foundation of Christian life, without this we have not begun the Christian race, we are just warming up in the starting line.

  • There will be no progress without this initial step for we need an impartation of a new life-the life of Christ in us. So often people try to live the Christian life without having experienced the new birth. But this is impossible! Paul summarised this or the Galatians in gal 2:20-Christ living in us
  • There are people who are happy to have Christ as saviour but not as Lord. Then there are those people who would have Christ being lord of some sectors of their lives while keeping control of some areas. But it does not work this way-it is one package. Either He is lord or not, either he is lord of all or lord of none.


Question: Have you genuinely welcomed Christ in your life? Have you invited him to come into your heart? Have your made him Lord over your life-submitting to him as Lord and following him as he leads.

The colossians had recieved christ as lord and so must we.


  1. THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUING TO LIVE /WALK IN CHRIST.(Vs.6). Paul exhorts the Colossians to continue in what and in whom they were taught (Christ). They were in danger of incorporating mere human traditions and philosophies which would dilute their faith in Christ. He reminded them that the Christian life demands that they continue as they had begun.


When it comes to the Christian faith, it is not enough to begin by accepting Christ as Lord as we have seen, one must continue to live/walk in Christ; for the Christian life is like a journey or a race. This theme is echoed in Col 1: 23 and as well as in 2 Tim 3:14.


There are many people who begin well but along the way, they are either side-tracked by other things or give up. They lose focus and begin chasing after other things apart from Christ-new teachings, new desires new loyalties, etc. For this group people the word is: continue to walk in Christ.


Question: Yes you recieved christ but are you  continuing in the faith or have you given up. There are many things make you to stop walking with God and you must watch out.


  1. THE WAY TO BE ESTABLISHED IN OUR FAITH (Vs. 7). Paul highlights three of them
  • Being rooted and built up in Christ- This is the call to deepen our relationship with Christ. Paul combines two images/metaphors- agricultural (roots) and Architectural (buildings) to depict what can help us to be firmly established in our faith.

-firstly, we are to be rooted in him: just as plants draw nourishment from the soil through their roots, so should we, drawing life- giving strength from Christ.  We need to sink our roots deeper, for roots gives us both nourishment and stability. David talks about such a kind of person in Psalms chapter 1:1-3

-secondly, we are to be built up in him-Christ is the foundation on which we can build our spiritual lives. Buildings can only go as high as the foundation in which they are built and it is only when we are built on Christ than we can soar high in the faith. Jesus gave a parable depicting such a person in Luke 6:48

Song: deeper in the love of Jesus stanza 1

  • Being strengthened in our faith. This is the call to grow in our faith -so that we are grounded/settled in our faith. It is about developing spiritual stamina/muscles to weather the challenges of life as Christian in our day and age. For this to happen solid teaching is important-as we have been taught.


  • Overflowing with thankfulness- This is the call to operate in an attitude of gratitude- abounding in thankfulness. We all have a reason to be to be thankful for God has given us extravagant blessings that are filled with meaning beyond comprehension: our lives, salvation, parents/guardians, family and friends, provision of fees, freedom of worship, health, and for some fiancées.  Thanklessness leads to bitterness, complaining, and a joyless life. Make thanksgiving intentional in your life- Do not wait to feel thankful before giving thanks



We see that only those who seek to: deepen their relationship with Christ; grow in their faith and nourish their faith will stand during the 4 or so years you will be in campus.



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