Rooted up and Built in Him, that is our goal. Medical School Christian Union is a blessing to many,because God has used MSCU to produce healthcare professionals who fear God and who are competent both in faith and in practice. MSCU has seen the graduation of many medical students since 1979 who have later become of impact in this country not only in the health sector.

Perhaps you are wondering why I started with testimonies. It is because there is no way of overcoming. In this faith, we are pushed forward by our testimonies. That is why we have this website, so that through it we can share with you our testimony so that you will be encouraged.

SO, official welcome to the website!! Thank you so much for viewing us. Kindly also share your testimony with us from the Contacts given on this site, so that we too can be encouraged.

MSCU was established in April 1979 and is a non-profit non-denominational organization. It is a church formed by medical students from the University of Nairobi. You can learn more about us from the website. You are always free to join us.

Please share this website with your friends. We hope it has blessed you.

Remember to share your testimony. Stay blessed!


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