So what’s S.T.E.M.?

  • What is S.T.E.M? Short term experience in ministry.
  • Who is a S.T.E.M Staff? A believer, recent graduate, member of a Christian union (C.U.), posted to a different C.U. as a FOCUS staff.
  • How long does S.T.E.M take? Twelve months
  • What is the role of a S.T.E.M staff? To engage in activities like training, mentorship, counselling, preaching, structural development that see to it that the C.U. grows in areas of:
    • Discipleship
    • Evangelism
    • Leadership development
    • Missions
  • Does a S.T.E.M staff do any other job? No, it’s full time.
  • What then is the source of income? Structured and trained resource mobilization from friends, family and C.U. of origin. Simply from people like you and me now and in future.
  • Where does the S.T.E.M staff reside? Near the C.U. they are posted to.
  • Who does the S.T.E.M staff work with? Every person in the union.
  • How many C.U.s does a S.T.E.M staff work with? It depends on the C.U. location, size and other factors.
  • So what’s all this information for? This is to say, a S.T.E.M. staff’s core responsibility is to be there with and for you as a student, off course with an inclination to your spiritual well-being, so that you would increasingly become more like Jesus. Now you know!

By Caroline Thindiu

S.T.E.M Staff Medical School C.U.

And Kenya science C.U.


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