There the tomb stones lay defiantly as if to announce their presence, in this cold, lonely and deserted place. Sadly, no one notices their presence. Leave alone standing to gaze or glare at them. Resigned to fate by the life they cherished so dear.
All I could see were the beautiful epitaphs crafted with so much skill. To say it all that they wished for their parted loved ones and to give their demised paragon his/her last respects. I could feel the aura of the place, the unending whispers, the voices of regret of “I wish I had listened, Had I known the truth, Had I been introduced to Jesus and lived right, Ooh I wish I knew! I wish I had listened !”
It is all in vain though. They rattle their wishes back and forth. But no one can hear them, let alone do something about it. A wild goose chase it is.
The reality of the unutilised potentials, unfulfilled dreams and destinies. How rich our soils are, because of those that departed from us without fulfilling that which God put in them. Yet we ought to die empty and fulfilled.
Then it got me thinking. No matter how beautiful your epitaph is, how much wealth you amassed on earth, how great on earth you are, if at one point you never accepted Jesus as your personal Saviour, you will be forgotten in heaven. Duped ‘Great on earth, forgotten in heaven’.
How many of us cower in fear at the thought of mentioning Christ to your friends? How many are afraid to make sober decisions, risking to be called unfashioned? How many simply cant say the plain truth because of the fear of being abandoned by their friends? And so deeper in our comfort zones we sit.
I guess its time and this is the opportune moment. To get to know Christ and to make Him known at the slightest opportunity you get. Introduce Him to your friends and everybody. Do spread His love to others. Introduce Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life. The solution maker and everything He is.
It is only then that I can fathom of a peaceful cemetery, of souls actually resting in peace. Having accomplished their purposes and destinies. Only then will the tombstones be a land mark, a reminder, a legacy, of a life well lived, courtesy of the whispers you will hear.
I want to be a radical girl for Jesus, what about you?
By Mayanne Favour Ong'udi.